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How to become a dood !!!!

This was one of the mail which i had received which made me go crazy... The way he explains the steps of how to become a good dood is really awesome. Most of the words you will not understand as it is written in Tamil, so i have made my best attempt to explain it in English without reducing the crispiness of the explanation.
For clear view you can click on image to get a bigger view so that it is readable.
Step 1 & 2 is understandable...
I will explain remaining 2 steps.
Step 3: It tell that, Steal a neighbor dog's neck belt & wear it on your hand. Then take one cap which has been licked nicely by a dog & put it on your head. After this, now steal a granny's glasses... Great & there you go, you are a doode now.
Step 4: (Optional) Take a Nokia 1100 charger & wear it as an wrist band. Now go to a footpath where they sell jerkins, buy one of those & wear it. You are a better dooode now & so cool!!!!

On your right side you can see 9 points which been put in the image are explained.
There again you can find that 4&5 are in tamil...
4&5 : naaiku podra beltu means belt which are put on dogs & roobees means rupees.

Now coming to tips for a better doode,
only 1st tip is in Tamil, it says that spike cutting looks good. If you can't afford money there is a economical way to do it. While giving food to your dog, just keep your head in the middle. The dog in rage will definitely help you to land up with a good hair style which will become a fashion.

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